September 28

Since this blog is dedicated to recording my life, one Instagram picture at a time, I would be remiss if I didn’t include the uglier side of things.

09-28 amaro

This is a zit I’ve been battling for over a week.

I am TOO FREAKING OLD for zits, yet I get them. Most of the time, they manifest themselves in out of the way, out of glaring eye shot locations, such as in my ear, my neckline, or under my chin. This mother decided to present itself right next to my already big mouth.

I’m pretty sure when I’m talking to people, they are zeroing in on that huge red lump on my face.


And sigh.

Anyone who thinks that once you leave your teens, your days of pizza face are over are sorely delusional.

Just saying.

Filter: Amaro

April 6

Confession: I am a chronic flosser.

I’m sorry, but I have a teeth fetish. I have nightmares of my teeth falling out.

I don’t want to die of gum disease that has spread to my brain.

04-06 willow

If there is a speck of pepper lodged between my teeth, I can feel it. It bothers me so much that I MUST REMOVE IT.


I use more floss in a year than the rest of my family combined.

I have floss all over the house. I have different types of floss in the car. I’m partial to minty flavors.

Yes, I can floss and drive. There are floss doo-dads on the market that make it easy.

But I would never text and drive.

Pretty sure the floss phenomenon is NOT a hipster characteristic, but when have I ever been wedged into a stereotype?

Filter: Willow

February 7


Do hipsters hold grudges?

Anyway, I had to bite the bullet and venture under the desk today. The nether regions there are a hotbed of land mines, including too many wires crisscrossing each other, a couple of power strips that are connected to other power strips (caution Wil Robinson, electrical hazard!), and trash that missed the circular file.


I would take a photo of the mess under there, but you wouldn’t believe it if you saw it.

Filter: Inkwell