June 30

The juicy, delicious wondrousness of pears in my hand.

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See that little white thing in the lower right corner? That’s a mothball. I spread an entire jumbo box of mothballs at the base of my tree, in order to deflect the interest of busy tailed rodents.

Nasty smelling, but it appears to be working.

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May 21

On a lighter note, I like to frequent the local flea market.

Most of the time it’s just junk and more junk, but sometimes you can find a worthwhile treasure.

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For example, I found this lovely sterling silver herringbone necklace. It was only $25. It weighs much more than an ounce. I couldn’t pass it up.

A few booths away, a lady was selling the matching bracelet, for $40. I passed on that one.

Every once in a while, I’ll find silver buttons. One weekend, I found autographed photos of Barbara Billingsley and Tony Dow from the Leave it to Beaver show. The vendor was one of the outdoor vendors, meaning she doesn’t have a permanent indoor spot and is relegated to hoping they will give her a spot outside. It’s first-come, first-served, and it was cold out that day. She had TONS of autographed photos, piles and piles. If I was into autographs, I would have bought more. Unfortunately for her, I’m only interested in the Cleaver family.

My advice: when looking for junk, be selective. You don’t want to be featured on the next episode of Hoarders.

Filter: Walden