October 13

I bought a new pair of Tevas for working out.

10-13 xproii

I’ve never been much of a fan for shopping. It costs a lot, plus it’s exhausting! I had a friend in Minnesota who loved to shop. She took me to the Galleria in Edina, where we stayed ALL DAY LONG. I was bored to tears, and I spent several thousand dollars that day.

I especially hate shopping for work out shoes. They are so friggin’ ugly these days! What’s with the day-glo colors? And why are they so stiff? At least Tevas are earth toned in color, and they’re nice and wide for my nice and wide feet. They’re comfy from the get-go, meaning I don’t have to break them in. The ankles are nice and low. I don’t know why, but a lot of work out/casual shoes are high in the back. Murderous.

These are a nice color. They’re lightweight. I can see myself hiking Muir Woods in them.

If I ever get back to San Francisco.

In the meantime, I’m firing up the incline trainer. Maybe I’ll map Muir Woods today?

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