August 28

At one time, I only bought tumbled stones. And I bought a TON of them.

This one is moukaite, which I love, as it has shades of yellow, purple, brown and white. No two are the same.

08-28 duson

I added brass nuts and a citrine point to the design.

It’s not one of my favorites. I have hundreds of these stashed away.

Filter: Hudson

August 26

I have never been so excited to see summer end. Even though I’m dreading the upcoming SAD I’m going to be experiencing in just three short weeks. I am hoping for time to myself.

08-26 amaro

Here’s a silver solder earring I made. When I had time. (Time? What’s that?) I haven’t made a thing since the beginning of summer, when I started editing in earnest. Or Pete, or whomever. Tomorrow night, I’m taking a workshop on silver solder, because my petrified brain has forgotten it.

Three hours to myself, alone with six other people and an acetylene torch. Sounds like heaven to me.

Filter: Amaro

August 24

I’m scoping out my current squatter.

08-25 willow

It’s that plumbing van.

I think it’s a customer from the restaurant next door. I’ve seen it parked over there before. Now before you think I’m some kind of weirdo with nothing to do but keep track of my parking lot, here are the facts:

1. We own 85 cars. Not all of them are here of course, but I’d like to have a spot for them when they come back to roost.

2. We have two classes running right now. That’s 50 different families dropping off 50 different children. The parents deserve a spot more than this jackass.

3. Liability. Does this idiot not know that the 50 different children taking class here (not counting segment two) DON’T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE?  I really had to emphasize that, because my car is pretty dinged up from students parking too close or having a non-fatal accident. I’m not covering his brushes with my students.

4. It’s my business, it’s MY building. Yes. I own this pile of cinder block and crumbling asphalt. If you don’t have a reason to be here GET THE FUCK OUT.

After all, that’s why we have public streets. It’s also why that restaurant next door has its own freaking parking lot.

Rant over.

Filter: Willow

August 23


Realized I wrote “April” instead of “August” on my last post. Stupid me. Could be the unseasonable, April like weather we’ve been having. While not a real Bummer Summer, it’s pretty damned close.

Last night, I went out on the deck to assess the plants. That’s because in about six weeks, we will have to drag them ALL BACK INTO THE HOUSE. Global warming, my eye.

08-23 willow

As you can see, this philodendron, which I brought to Michigan with me from Minnesota twenty-seven years ago, has really reveled in the outdoors this year. It’s nearly as big as I am! Definitely wider than the doorway.

Which begs the question, how the hell are we going to get this monster back in the house?

I know. We should build a greenhouse. Or move to a temperate climate where philodendrons (and bird of paradise, and jade plants, and angel trumpets) can live outside in freedom and fresh air.

Not gonna happen.

My husband is too cheap.

Filter: Willow