December 31

Happy New Year!

And so today ends the Instagram project of 2013.

I’ve learned a lot of things this year, including that I’m not photogenic. A good selfie is hard to achieve. It’s easier to photobomb a stranger than it is to take a decent self-portrait. My good photos of anything are a complete and total fluke. Filters will help everything. My children find me embarrassing. I can never flip out my iPhone for a photo fast enough, and will therefore lose the shot of the bald eagle flying over Wayne and Middle Belt. Food porn is the best porn of all. My animals will die. My stomach is fat. My husband looks like shit when  he’s sick. The camera NEVER lies.

During this last year, I’ve managed to devote a whopping five minutes of time each day to the Instagram project. Which is amazing. Five minutes times 365 equals 1,825 minutes, divided into 60 minutes (for an hour), makes a grand total of 30.41 hours toward the project.

Obviously, I could be using this time doing something else. Like writing. So next year I will devote at least five minutes a day for writing. Maybe I’ll finish a book?

I started last year in a favorite chair with a cat.


I am ending the year in the same chair with another cat. Not the same one, obviously.

12-31 amao

Time marches on.

Happy New Year.

Goodbye 2013.

Goodbye My Life in Instagram 2013.

It’s time for new projects, new horizons, and right now, a new bottle of champagne.

Stay safe and sweet, and see you in the Interwebs.

Filter: Amaro

PS If you wish to follow my other exploits, tune in HERE.

July 31

After some thought, I decided to get out the Garnier Nutrisse.

07-31 lofi

My last collision with the dye bottle was in January. Since then, I have cultivated some gray hair. However, since they refuse to grow in one beautiful streak down the left side of my head (my sister does it, why can’t I?) I thought it best to do away with it all.

My hair really isn’t this red. Come on, I’m Asian! This stunning color is the result of a filter, hipsters! I’d have to subject myself to an expensive salon job to get it to the color of a passing fire engine, and I’m just too cheap.

Meijer: $6.99.

Filter: LoFi