August 26

I have never been so excited to see summer end. Even though I’m dreading the upcoming SAD I’m going to be experiencing in just three short weeks. I am hoping for time to myself.

08-26 amaro

Here’s a silver solder earring I made. When I had time. (Time? What’s that?) I haven’t made a thing since the beginning of summer, when I started editing in earnest. Or Pete, or whomever. Tomorrow night, I’m taking a workshop on silver solder, because my petrified brain has forgotten it.

Three hours to myself, alone with six other people and an acetylene torch. Sounds like heaven to me.

Filter: Amaro

August 14

Shifting to copper and stones:

08-14 sutro

I started out with polished stones because they’re cheap, and I like rocks. I started out with copper because it’s cheap.

Since copper is the new silver, I guess I lucked out on that one.

I continually buy stones, because I like rocks, but it’s not like I need any more. BELIEVE ME, I could live without picking up another rock. Unless I see something shiny…or unusual…or the color moves me…or the shape is different.

I know, I am NUTS.

Filter: Sutro