October 9

I’m awake! And I’m at work.

10-09 amaro

That’s the positive.

I spoke to a customer who went from wanting to get a lawyer and sue us at the beginning of the phone call to loving me and wanting to meet me and buy me lunch. Yeah. I’m that good.

However, being nice is exhausting. It’s easier to be snappy. It’s so easy to be a bitch.

Oh, well. Still smiling.

Filter: Amaro

May 15

Late night last night.

No, it’s not what you think. I had my jewelry class, and stayed to the end of it, instead of bombing out mid-class. My normal bedtime is 8:30 p.m. I was busy cutting jump rings. I know. It’s not very exciting, but you don’t know me and the Flex shaft. It’s a love-hate relationship.

Anyway, once I got home, I couldn’t fall asleep. Even though I was sleepy. My mind was churning with creativity. I wanted to use my jump rings, dammit.

05-15 1977

So me and my big shoulder really didn’t want to wake up today.

But I did.

Filter: 1977