December 15

Purrby took a little trip to the vet recently to get a permanent manicure.

When he returned, he looked like this:

12-15 valencia

The plastic cone of silence doesn’t come off until Wednesday. You’d think Purrby would be annoyed, but he’s been amazingly sweet since his trip to the vet. Not only has he NOT attempted to leap onto the counters, he’s become so sweet and, well…more purr-baby. All he does is cuddle and purr.

Of course, it could be those painkillers we’ve been feeding him.


Filter: Valencia

December 2

Me and the Very Bad Purrby.

12-02 kelvin

I caught the Purrbs today high up in the closet. He also knocked over the supposedly spill proof self feeding dish. He chewed the paper off the steak I bought for dinner. He uses the fig tree for a scratching post. He escaped outside the other day and I spent twenty minutes in the snow chasing him around the yard. Purrby has more youth and energy than I do. I’m surprised I didn’t have a heart attack.

But… Purrby is quite the sweet looker. I can’t stay mad at him for long.

Even though I wish he’d figure out that I don’t want him on my countertops.

Filter: Kelvin

November 10

Rescued a little kitty yesterday.

11-10 hudson

He’s orange, he’s a purr-ball, and he’s very nice. LOVES being held and petted. In fact, I worked out my first ten minutes with him in my arms. Then he got too heavy and I dislodged him.

He’s a toilet bowl jumper though. We have to keep the lids down, since he finds the toilets so fascinating. I was compelled to clean them – out of rotation.

I think I’m going to name him Purrby.

Filter: Hudson