September 1

September. I can’t believe I’m typing the word.

09-01 inkwell

It was difficult to roll out of bed today. I know. Lazy. The onset of SAD. (The sun didn’t come up until close to 7!) Plus just plain tired.

You’ll be pleased to note that I did finally get out of bed. Obviously. I cannot Instagram and post from my bed. Besides, I have a ton of things to accomplish today.

Filter: Inkwell

August 11

This is me a few hours ago deciding whether or not I should roll out of bed.

08-11 willow

If you must know, that didn’t last long. I’m a busy woman.

It is now 11:21 a.m. In the meantime, I canned a load of tomatoes (with garlic, bay leaf, and Japanese eggplant), did two loads of laundry, cleaned off the counter tops and the kitchen table (which was covered in wire and beads), dusted the roses (they really needed it, poor things have rot), and headed to work, where I am working, tweeting, Facebooking, and packing up a box for my daughter. In a half hour when I’m finished, I plan on going to the store for provisions, hitting Nordstrom to pay my bill, and making dinner. (The Big Guy says he’s hungry for walleye.) Then I might edit a bit before working out.

Phew. And this is Sunday, my day of rest.

Filter: Willow

June 23


It’s supposed to be a day of rest.

Any day I don’t roll out of bed before 7:30 is a day of rest. Me? I have a lot of things to do today.

06-23 rise

Work, yard, shopping, cooking.

This is why I’m dressed to run.

I might edit some more this evening. Oh, yeah. That’s work too.

Filter: Rise

PS I might try out that Instagram movie feature today. If I can stop long enough to find something moving.