May 31

The end of the month.

Look! I have a ceiling fan on my head!


Looks like a motorized beanie.

Filter: I can’t remember. It’s been a damned long day.

P.S. I think I’m going to have a theme for next month. Not sure what it will be yet, but next month is still six hours away.

May 26

Cleaned my sunroom disaster yesterday.

This is the leafy mess left after we drag our houseplants outside after they’ve been crammed into a tiny space all winter. The plants tend to lose all of their leaves.

Last year it took me all of one Saturday to clean. This year, I got smart and covered the floor in paper. All I had to do was roll up the paper and bam! I was ready to vacuum.

05-26 sierra

I noticed my orchids making a splendiforous comeback!

Life. It’s all good.

Filter: Sierra

May 23

Instagrammers call Thursday “Throwback Thursday.” You are supposed to post some sort of photo from back in the day. Here is mine:


That’s me on the far right frowning. My mother used to do this all the time: line us all up for a photo, then whack me on the top of the head. (Full disclosure: I might have been acting up and deserved a sound thumping.) Now that I look at this photo, my darling little-est sister (at the time) was giddy, much like she always is, and my middle sister was a combination of clueless and otherwise absorbed elsewhere. Much like she is now.

My mother used to dress us like triplets. I did not like it much.

And you thought YOUR mother was a piece of work.

Filter: None. After all, it’s Throwback Thursday.

May 22

Jumped on the scale today, learned I gained five pounds.

05-22 willow

I’m so depressed. Working out every day, 30 to 60 minutes (or more), eating right with only an occasional splurge for junk food (once a week or less) – what does it take to lose five pounds and keep it off?

I was going to wallow in misery with a container of Godiva ice cream, but instead I think I’ll write.

Filter: Willow